Monday, February 29, 2016

For those who threaten us with libel, slander, and "defamation of character", let us educate you just a little.

is to tell lies or untruths about someone. Lies that will stain or impugn someones character or integrity.
-Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation.
-Slander is oral defamation. (and since everything on Facebook is written, slander is out the door. See libel.)

The screenshots we require to post you on this page are statements and advertisements written by you, in your own words, from your personal ID's. We are not lying and making up stories about you, you are telling on yourself essentially committing self incrimination. We cannot commit libel by using your own words against you.

The screen shots we get are posts that you make yourself on Facebook.
1. Statements posted in Facebook groups or on pages, or even made on personal profiles when set to "public post" cannot be considered "private", therefore the posts are legally considered "public statements".
2. The screen shots of "private conversations" that we receive are sent to us by at least one party in the conversation. (We cannot get into your private conversations on our own.) All we need is that one person to share with us the screenshot of the conversation and we are within our legal right to share it.

As far as prosecution goes:
1. People flipping animals on Facebook rarely have the money it takes to retain an attorney to file suit against anyone, much less someone who holds the proof against you.
2. Libel is impossible to make a case for when you have implicated yourself by making written public statements about the supposed libelous information.
3. When suing for libel (or slander), the burden of proof falls on you, the accused, to prove you have been defamed (read above about self incrimination; you're screwed from the word go)
4. To be awarded anything ($) in a defamation suit you must prove that you have been hindered financially with defamation of your character and be able to put a dollar amount on the damage to your reputation. (With your flipping animals to make money you have to ask yourself what is your reputation really worth?)

So for those of you who threaten us with such things we say this....Please, by all means, do entertain us and the members of this page with your empty, uneducated threats. We can certainly use a laugh at the end of the day after dealing with such low life, unscrupulous individuals that have no regard for the innocents lives that people like you (flippers and exploiters of animals) treat with such utter disregard.

Knock yourself out on getting that attorney. In the meantime, we'll be patiently waiting on that gag order that never comes.......and posting everything we can get on you.

-Pet Flippers Exposed
 May 27, 2015

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